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Culture Workshop

Сургалтын нэрэнд мөн дараах багтана:
Хүний хөгжил, Байгууллагад

Transforming Attitudes and Actions:How Senior Leaders Create Engaging Workplace Cultures

Cуралцах зүйлс

What makes a strong culture? It’s not as simple as many business blogs would suggest. Successful corporate culture is not a mission statement on the wall or merely defined by the work environment you create.  Fads like installing a ping pong table, open creative space, or free craft beer is not what makes a great corporate culture.  Today, leaders need to provide so much more to create a culture that engages their workforce – they need to have the right attitudes and do the right things to ensure their culture is the right one for the given business environment.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

We identified Culture Champions, companies who successfully create cultures that engage employees, and uncovered the attitudes and behaviors that set them apart from the others. Driving a culture that engages employees is a critical element for success and our fundamental responsibility as leaders. Join us for an opportunity to learn more, reflect and identify ways to enhance your own corporate culture.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

Senior Leaders, HR and L&D professionals as well as anyone who wants to empower their leaders to build a culture that engages and retains their employees.

Илүүг Харуулах
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