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How to Coach Employees to Maximum Achievement

Сургалтын нэрэнд мөн дараах багтана:
Хүний хөгжил, Байгууллагад

This new, one-day seminar from Dale Carnegie Training gives you the skills you need to help each employee become as successful as possible, discover abilities they didn’t think they had to raise the bar on performance. Even problem employees will respond positively to these performance feedback techniques.

Cуралцах зүйлс

Keep your high achievers challenged and interested, Transform problem employees into assets, Gain cooperation with an appeal that works every time, Go that extra mile, and much more!

Илүүг Харуулах
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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

This is the time when you have an employee’s full attention and you can speak openly and candidly. Yet so many supervisors waste these precious moments in random conversation because they lack the skills to turn these conversations into behavior change opportunities.

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

As a supervisor or manager, your most productive time to motivate success is in your scheduled one-on-one’s or those chance one-on-ones’ that occur during the day

Илүүг Харуулах
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Ямар ч хэлээр байж болно
Таны хайлтад тохирсон үр дүн алга. Та хайлтын радиусаа өргөжүүлж эсвэ.
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Таны өгсөн мэдээллийг манай нөхцлийн дагуу ашиглана нууцлалын бодлого.