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People Skills
Хүний хөгжил

The secrets of how to make human relationships and effective speaking


Become a master of human relations with better communication skills

Cуралцах зүйлс

A world bestseller's book "How to Win Friends & Influence People" shows practical examples of Dale Carnegie's principles. In this course, you will understand principles of human relationship and learn so that it can be utilized in real life. As a result, your problems are improved, becoming a professional of human relations and your life will change dramatically.

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Яагаад хэрэгтэй вэ

Speaking and presenting are skills which can be learned. Rather than being on the defensive and avoiding opportunities to shine, why not get the training and grab those chances to show you are persuasive, confident and impress everyone with your professionalism?

Илүүг Харуулах
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Гарах үр дүн

Become a Friendlier Person / Win People to Your Way of Thinking / Be a Leader / Improving human relations / Plan to strengthen human relations / Commitment to strengthen human relations / Speech to promote an action / Earned the Right Excited Eager

Илүүг Харуулах
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