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Customer Service

Creating Loyal Customers Through Exceptional Customer Service

Sujets abordés lors de la formation:
Compétences relationnelles, Organisation
À propos

Retaining customers in a growing global market is no easy task. Today’s customers are educated, prepared and have more options than ever before. They can also be more demanding and merely satisfying them isn’t enough. This workshop will give insight into delivering exceptional customer service that exceeds expectations every time.

Ce que vous apprendrez

1) Increase customer loyalty through exceptional customer service.2) Apply principles to exceed customer expectations.3) Explore email etiquette when responding to customers.4) Effectively address mistakes using an empathetic approach.5) Build relationships and loyalty using creative follow-up techniques.

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Pourquoi vous voulez l’apprendre

Exceptional customer service is about creating meaningful relationships and memorable moments in every interaction.

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Comment cela va vous aider

Going above and beyond at every touch point is the keystone to strong customer relationships and loyalty.

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